
A first-of-its-kind, Neuro based, nervous system supported 

1-1 Program 

Heal your relationship with your body 

Heal your relationship with food 

Heal your chronic stress + anxiety

Without All the talk therapy, chanting affirmations in the mirror, Soul sucking HIIT Workouts, or hopelessly praying That Your Body Will FINALLY Release The Stuck Weight

Welcome to 


It's time to say goodbye to those beliefs keeping YOU STUCK & STICKY Weight

You can hire a health + fitness coach...

…who will give you another black-and-white strategy of calories in/calories out, macro counting or keto cycling. 

…all quick-fix “weight loss” strategies that worked in the short-term, but have you not only exhausted but also kept you hating your body and gaining & losing the same weight for 2 decades

OR you can hire me...

And use my signature Neuro Fat Loss Method that gives you actual, lasting results so that you NEVER have to: 
try another quick fix fad diet 

spend hours in the gym ever again. 

self-loathe your way into losing weight 


Neuro Fat Loss Method: Body Based Approach

in my world, you will:

end feeling constantly stressed, and trying everything to finally feel at home in your body

Heal your relationship with food so that you don't shame yourself for having a piece of cake at your kids birthday party

Look at yourself naked in the mirror and think "Dang, I look good" vs. inner critic tearing your apart inch by inch

End the mental gymnastics and internal war over "if I eat this, will this make me fat" and NOURISH. 

Know how to support yourself after a stressful AF day without pouring a giant glass of wine or eating an entire container of ice cream

After having my third baby I was completely lost on what to do. Not only was I overwhelmed with a newborn and 5 year old twins but I didn't recognize myself in the mirror. I felt defeated and discouraged that I could ever get back to where I wanted to be. Meggie's approach was different--in the BEST way. We started slow and got my postpartum body moving again with her postpartum aligned exercise plan. Then we added in protein and I made small shifts to the way that I was nourishing my body and recognizing when I was stress eating due to the demands of motherhood. And on top of that she helped me deepen my awareness with my nervous system and release old beliefs and thought patterns--Hello Anxious Thinker-- that were keeping me stuck and draining my energy. She wasn't just a coach but walked through LIFE with me! 

2024 Client

You can leave behind the Salty Sally in your head that says you CAN'T have the potato chip covered in chocolate because it will make you FAT but then a call from your boss has you eating the ENTIRE BAG without bating an eye. 

By healing your nervous system inside MPowered you:

 You EAT THE CAKE left over from your son’s birthday because you LOVE CAKE- not because you feel stressed after a tough meeting

You don’t talk yourself out of exercising because you no longer look at it as PUNISHMENT but rather a PRIVILEGE 

You notice when you are TRIGGERED AF and how to cope without pouring a giant glass of wine and zoning out mindlessly scrolling

 You LOVE your body because you TRUST yourself with food and naturally want to go to nourishing foods because you have healed the parts that were a void by heading into the pantry

  You wear your favorite red dress and walk into the room like you own the damn building because you healed the ROOT cause of WHY the body turned to food and now are 15 lbs lighter just from putting the “emotional weight” down.

Working with Meggie was AMAZING. I learned so much about my body and how I was using food as a way to deal with stress which was causing me to gain unwanted weight to where everything I own felt like a stuffed sausage. From working with my nervous system and going SLOW, I have seen and sustained changes not just physically but mentally and emotionally! Can't recommend her enough! 

2024 1-1 Client

Are you ready

for your MPOWERED season?!?!

Only  $2,477

Valued at $4,999

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